Numerical investigation of the turbulent wake of a generic space launcher at transonic speed[DOI]
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-15 (2017)
7. European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences 1-15 (2017)
Numerical analysis of space launcher wake flows
(Schröder, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Rainer)
Doktorarbeit (2017)
(Schröder, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Rainer)
Doktorarbeit (2017)
Analysis of spatio-temporal wake modes of space launchers at transonic flow[DOI]
AIAA paper 1116 9850-9861 (2016)
AIAA paper 1116 9850-9861 (2016)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher configuration[DOI]
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) 329-350 (2015)
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) 329-350 (2015)
Combined experimental and numerical investigation of a transonic space launcher wake[DOI]
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) (2015)
Progress in flight physics - volume 7 : Munich, Germany, July 1-5, 2013 / D. Knight, I. Lipatov and P. Reijasse (eds.) (2015)
Dependence of turbulent wall-shear stress on the amplitude of spanwise transversal surface waves[DOI]
Computers & fluids 119 261-275 (2015)
Computers & fluids 119 261-275 (2015)
Investigations of Unsteady Transonic and Supersonic Wake Flow of Generic Space Launcher Configurations Using Zonal RANS/LES and Dynamic Mode Decomposition[DOI]
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 379-401 (2015)
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014 / edited by Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael M. Resch 379-401 (2015)
Investigation of the turbulent wake flow of generic launcher configurations via a zonal RANS/LES method[DOI]
CEAS space journal 5-1/2 75-86 (2013)
CEAS space journal 5-1/2 75-86 (2013)
Combined experimental and numerical investigation of a transonic space launcher wake
[5th EUCASS Conference, Munich, München, Germany ] (2013)
[5th EUCASS Conference, Munich, München, Germany ] (2013)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher configuration
[5th EUCASS Conference, München, Germany ] (2013)
[5th EUCASS Conference, München, Germany ] (2013)