Planar, Stereoscopic, and Holographic PIV-Measurements of the In-Cylinder Flow of Combustion Engines[DOI]
Fuels from biomass: an interdisciplinary approach : a collection of papers presented at the Winter School 2011 of the North Rhine Westphalia Research School "Fuel Production Based on Renewable Resources" associated with the Cluster of Excellence "Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass", Aachen, Germany, 2011 / Michael Klaas ... eds. 129 155-191 (2015)
Fuels from biomass: an interdisciplinary approach : a collection of papers presented at the Winter School 2011 of the North Rhine Westphalia Research School "Fuel Production Based on Renewable Resources" associated with the Cluster of Excellence "Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass", Aachen, Germany, 2011 / Michael Klaas ... eds. 129 155-191 (2015)
Time-Resolved stereoscopic PIV measurements of cyclic variations in an internal combustion engine
[10th Int. Symp. On Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13] (2013)
[10th Int. Symp. On Particle Image Velocimetry-PIV13] (2013)
Engine In-Cylinder Flow Control via Variable Intake Valve Timing[DOI]
SAE technical paper 2013-24-0055 11 Seiten (2013)
SAE technical paper 2013-24-0055 11 Seiten (2013)