Publikationen von "kroemer, j."
Large-eddy simulation of trailing-edge blowing
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
Extended abstracts, proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery : Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 07 - 11, 2004 / organized by Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids Engineering, USA; Institute of Steam and Gas Turbines, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Ed. by Dieter Bohn (2004)
LES of transitional boundary layers and wakes with trailing edge blowing
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
Numerical flow simulation / Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (ed.). - 3: CNRS-DFG collaborative research programme : results 2000 - 2002 ; [contributions communicated at the 9th 3160 Joint CNRS-DFG Workshop on Numerical Flow Simulation, held October 26 - 27, 2002, Nice] 82 230-243 (2003)
'LES of trailing edge blowing'
Proceedings of IGTC'03 Tokyo, International Gas Turbine Congress 2003 Tokyo : November 2 - 7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. International Gas Turbine Congress <8, 2003, Tokyo>. Nihon-gasu-t™bin-gakkai. International Gas Turbine Congress ; 8 (Tokyo) : 2003.11.02-07. IGTC'03 ; 8 (Tokyo) : 2003.11.02-07 (2003)
Proceedings of IGTC'03 Tokyo, International Gas Turbine Congress 2003 Tokyo : November 2 - 7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. International Gas Turbine Congress <8, 2003, Tokyo>. Nihon-gasu-t™bin-gakkai. International Gas Turbine Congress ; 8 (Tokyo) : 2003.11.02-07. IGTC'03 ; 8 (Tokyo) : 2003.11.02-07 (2003)