Publications 1990
- Schröder, Wolfgang; Keller, H. B. - “Wavy Taylor-vortex flows via multigrid-continuation methods” - Journal of computational physics - vol 91 no 1 content/page 197-227 - doi:10.1016/0021-9991(90)90011-O
Open in RWTH Publications - Köhler, J. - “Modellierung kardiovaskulärer Strömungen in technischen Modellen” - Biomedizinische Technik = Biomedical engineering - vol 35 content/page 53-54
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “75 Jahre Aerodynamisches Institut” - Alma mater Aquensis - vol 25 content/page 127-134
Open in RWTH Publications - Pau, H. W.; Limberg, W. - “Fluid kinetics of endolymph during calorization” - Acta oto-laryngologica - vol 109 content/page 331-336
Open in RWTH Publications - Naitoh, K.; Takagi, Y.; Kuwahara, K.; Krause, E.; Ishii, K. - “Computation of transition to turbulence in the compression stage of a reciprocating engine” - Fluid dynamics research - vol 6 content/page 277-294
Open in RWTH Publications - Meinke, Matthias; Hänel, D. - “Simulation of unsteady flows” - Twelfth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Oxford, England on 9-13 July 1990 / K. W. Morton (ed.) - vol 371 content/page 268-272 - doi:10.1007/3-540-53619-1_181
Open in RWTH Publications - Ewald, B.; Durst, F.; Krause, E.; Nitsche, W. - “Flugmeßtechnik für die Laminar-Entwicklung” - DGLR-Jtag. 1990 - content/page 1-13
Open in RWTH Publications - Köhler, J.; Nink, P. - “Simulation der Mechanik des menschlichen Herzens” - Tagg. ASIM Simulationstech. Unterlüß 1990
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “The solution to the problem of vortex breakdown” - Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 - vol 371 content/page 35-50
Open in RWTH Publications - Breuer, M.; Hänel, D. - “Solution of the 3-D, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the simulation of vortex breakdown” - Proceedings of the Eighth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics / ed. by Pieter Wesseling - vol 29 content/page 42-51
Open in RWTH Publications - Naitoh, K.; Kuwahara, K.; Krause, E. - “Computation of the transition to turbulence and flame propagation in a piston engine” - Proc. 12. Int. Conf. on Numer. Meth. in Fluid Dyn. Berlin [u.a.] 1990 - vol 371 content/page 469-474
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “Das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 'Finite Approximationen in der Strömungsmechanik'” - GAMM-Tagg. 1990, Nr. 1 - content/page 29-49
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E. - “Vortex breakdown: Physical issue and computational simulation” - Proc. 3. Int. Congr. of Fluid Mech. Kairo, Ägypten 1990. - Bd. 1 - content/page 335-344
Open in RWTH Publications - Krause, E.; Limberg, W.; Jeschke, M.; Klöker, J. - “Untersuchung der Verwirbelung während des Ansaug- und Kompressionsaktes” - Kolloq. d. SFB 224 d. RWTH Aachen. Aachen 1990 - content/page 201-225
Open in RWTH Publications - Köhler, J.; Guntermann, P.; Wirtz, R. - “Leckströmung in künstlichen Herzklappen” - Abhandl. aus d. Aerodynam. Inst. an d. Tech. Hochschule Aachen. - 30 - vol 30 content/page 27-33
Open in RWTH Publications - Köhler, J.; Nink, P. - “Simulation der Mechanik des menschlichen Herzens” - Fortschr. in d. Simulationstech.. - Bd. 1
Open in RWTH Publications - Kornberger, M.; Feyzi, F. - “Transitionsbestimmung mit Multisensor-Heißfilmmeßtechnik im Windkanal und Freiflug” - DGLR-Bericht. - 90-06 - vol 90-06 content/page 76-80
Open in RWTH Publications