Publications of "klumpp, s."
Numerical simulation of riblet controlled spatial transition in a zero-pressure gradient boundary layer[DOI]
Flow, turbulence and combustion 85-1 57-71 (2010)
Flow, turbulence and combustion 85-1 57-71 (2010)
Numerical Simulation of Riblet Controlled Spatial Transition[DOI]
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed.. - Pt. 5 311-324 (2010)
High performance computing in science and engineering '09 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2009 ; [Twelfth Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which has been held October 8 - 9, 2008 [i.e. 2009] at Stuttgart University] / Wolfgang E. Nagel ..., ed.. - Pt. 5 311-324 (2010)
LES of Riblet Controlled Temporal Transition of Channel Flow
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 183-186 (2010)
Progress in turbulence III : proceedings of the ITi Conference in Turbulence 2008 / Joachim Peinke ... 131 183-186 (2010)
Riblets in a turbulent adverse-pressure gradient boundary layer
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)
AIAA meeting papers on disc [15.]2010-6 (2010)